ヨギライフ朝のセルフケアPart2『朝のスキンケア』#2/7 / Yoga Together with Izumi


⑤オイルマッサージ: アーユルヴェーダのアビヤンガ

⑤と⑥の間に、ヨギライフ朝のセルフケアPart3 with泉 美筋を鍛え姿勢改善 脳の意識改革が入ります。そちらも、一緒にご覧ください。

Thank you for practicing yoga with me.
Happy to read your request what you like to practice yoga. I will make your requested practice in my next video.
Please subscribe this channel@Yoga Together with Izumi.

Facebook@IzumiYogaDance * https://www.Facebook.com/IzumiYogaDance/
Instagram@Yoga with Izumi * https://www.instagram.com/yoga_with_izumi/
Welcome to Yoga Together with Izumi.
I hope to create space here to energize you and heal you.
With my all life experience from growing up in Japan, living in India for 7 years, studying Indian classical dance, bharatanatyam, teaching dance, to now teaching yoga in Silicon Valley, California, I offer to support you and your healthy living.

Please find free yoga videos to help you with what you need at the moment.
We feel the need for different ways to practice yoga depends on day and time, and our mood. You may look for being energized, being distressed, being healed, being cheer-me-up, being peaceful, being happy, being calm, being silent, being with nature, and being yourself.
Hope to support your healthy life in body, mind, and soul.

I am so grateful to be able to connect with you from where you are in the world.
I believe what the Dalai Lama says, “Happiness is the highest form of health.”

Breathe deeply, Find gratitude and little happiness in your daily life, Be grateful to nature, Care yourself = Self-care, Plan your favorites to heal you, so you can boost your immunity and improve your digestive system.
Be happy.

